In KAG, the idea of choices is very close to a hyperlink in HTML.
Tags named
link and
endlink are used to write choices. When sentences, that you want to become as choices, are placed between these two tags, then it becomes possible to select the choices with the mouse or keyboard. It jumps to the label of the target attribute written, when the choice is clicked with the mouse or 'Enter' is pushed on the keyboard in the corresponding link tag.
tag is used to stop the choice waiting in the scenario. The scenario is executed continuously(non-stop), until
tag is used, when "Advance to the next choice option" is selected from the game's menu.
It is possible to use it as described below. Please do not forget * (asterisk) to use as a label name, since it is needed for the target=*(labelname). Moreover, | (vertical bar) is not needed to specify in the target attribute after the *(labelname).
[wait time=200]
[link target=*select1]Choice 1[endlink][r]
[link target=*select2]Choice 2[endlink][r]
[link target=*select3]Choice 3[endlink][r]
Choice 1 was selected. [l]
Choice 2 was selected. [l]
Choice 3 was selected. [l]
Choices do not disappear, even if you have chosen an option, when this is executed as it is.
To erase it, [cm] is usually written under the label.
[wait time=200]
[link target=*select1]Choice 1[endlink][r]
[link target=*select2]Choice 2[endlink][r]
[link target=*select3]Choice 3[endlink][r]
Choice 1 was selected. [l]
Choice 2 was selected. [l]
Choice 3 was selected. [l]
Example of choices
Once selected, new choices are displayed until
unlocklink tag is executed.
Moreover, use the
locklink tag to display the translated scenario.
This isn't specified in a normal description.